Property Marketing Brochure

A property marketing brochure is a very versatile piece of promotional literature that serves as a hard copy version of your development website, a prestige presentation piece, a mailing piece to a select mailing list, and office counter or site reception literature for use by sales staff or prospective purchasers.

At Simpsons we are experienced in producing property marketing brochures for all sectors of the property market: commercial, residential, retail and leisure, and in all formats from simple 4 or 6 page brochures to hard bound books of 40 pages or more. We also handle all aspects of property brochure design from concept and copywriting to production and print.

South Place Hotel Property Brochure
South Place Hotel London Brochure

Property Marketing Brochure Content and Copywriting

A property brochure must both impress and inform, and calls on both creative and technical copywriting skills, which we as a full-service agency are equipped to provide.

Location is generally a key factor in the saleability of any property, and one that we give special attention to.  Besides highlighting the features and benefits of the property itself, we are pleased to research and write detailed descriptions of the neighbourhood, emphasising its strategic location, communications, architectural and natural attractions, local services and amenities.

Weston House Internal Photography
Weston House Internal Photography

Brochure Graphic Design

A property brochure is above all a presentation piece, so property brochure design is of key importance in communicating the quality and prestige of the development, especially in property brochure design for high profile or landmark buildings such as corporate headquarters.

In our design studio, the graphic style, design elements and colour scheme are usually conceived as part of an overall corporate identity that will make them ‘of a piece’ with your development logo, website and other marketing collateral.

As with the written content of the property brochure, both creative and technical solutions are provided by our design team.  For example, we can also create location maps, site plans, floor plans and any other charts, tables or diagrams that may be required as part of your property brochure design.

Weston House Brochure Phase 2
Weston House Property Brochure


Commercial photography is an art form, and for property brochure design we employ the best architectural and landscape photographers in the business to present your property scheme in the best possible light.

When you’re selling development land, or simply want to demonstrate the strategic location of your site we can also commission drone or aerial photography.  To generate interest for pre-sale or pre-let properties under construction, we can also commission CGI photography.

South Place Hotel Photography
South Place Hotel Photography

Production and Print

The enduring appeal of print over digital media its scent, finish and substance, especially when it comes fresh off the press.  It’s a must for property brochures of prestige projects and niche markets where the extra investment in production values is well justified.

For such property brochure designs we are pleased to advise on paper stock, formats (sleeve or box cased for example), and finishing (such as spot varnishing, gloss lamination, blind embossing, or gold blocking).  For one client we even produced a limited-edition brochure design with an impregnated fragrance!

West Village London Redevelopment Property Marketing Brochure
West Village London, Residential Branding

Recent Property Marketing Brochure Projects

Weston House

For our property developer clients Frogmore we created a property marketing brochure for a refurbished office building in High Holborn.  Produced prior to the actual refurbishment, the property brochure made use of architects’ illustrations and CGIs. A short run PUR brochure on an indigo press, it featured a gold blocked logo.

After the refurbishment we produced an asset brochure.  This prestigious production was a 40-page hard case property brochure with a bronzed foiled cover and partial lamination.

South Place Hotel

A special feature of this quality 40-page property brochure was an open fold centre spread with a full bleed landscape photo of the London skyline, showing the hotel’s location alongside well-known London landmarks

Contact us today for more information

  01279 755555

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