St Mary’s School Ascot

St Mary’s School Ascot

The Client

St Mary’s School Ascot is a leading Roman Catholic boarding school for girls with 380 pupils between the ages of 11 and 18 years. They are proud of their academic achievements and seek to build on their tradition of excellence both in and out of the classroom.

St Mary’s School Ascot Newsletter
St Mary’s School Ascot Newsletter

The Brief

St Mary’s asked us to refresh their marketing strategy and raise their profile as a warm, caring community offering a wealth of co-curricular opportunities that make life at the school vibrant, exciting and good fun.

The client believed the best way to do this was with the launch of a new School Newsletter.  The objective was to keep students, parents and staff updated with the latest news and events for the school, as well as showcasing the activities and experiences on offer at the school to new and potential students.

School Newsletter Internal Page Design
School Newsletter Internal Page Design

The Execution

We worked closely with the client to develop an attractive and professional design in line with their brand identity.  This included the selection of a ‘house’ font to reflect the character of the school, and the development of a house style and layout that was both visually arresting and easy to read. 

The project also utilised photography supplied by the school and retouched by the agency. Work in progress was facilitated by virtual meetings, allowing the client to see live changes made by our studio manager.  This process enabled us to progress the project quickly and efficiently whilst allowing the client to give feedback in real time, and production deadlines to be met.

The final newsletter was printed for distribution within the school and a digital version was also supplied to reach a wider audience by social media, website links and emails.

School Newsletter Printed Example
School Newsletter Printed Example

The Result

The newsletter has proved to be highly effective in helping St Mary’s School engage and interact with the school community, and has attracted many positive comments and enquiries.

Overall, we pleased to have delivered a newsletter that meets the client’s standards and provides a great platform for promoting school news and events.  We are confident it will serve as a valuable marketing tool for them.



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